Journal Systems<p><strong>Jurnal Elektro</strong> dikelola secara profesional dan diterbitkan oleh prodi Teknik Elektro yang membantu para akademisi, peneliti, dan praktisi untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitiannya.</p> <p><strong>Jurnal Elekro</strong> adalah jurnal ilmiah yang didedikasikan untuk publikasi hasil penelitian dan atau kajian ilmiah yang berkualitas di bidang keilmuan teknik elektro dengan subbidangnya seperti teknik energi listrik, teknik telekomunikasi, teknik kontrol, teknik elektronika dan instrumentasi, telematika, mekatronik, elektromedik dan teknik informasi multimedia.</p> Bangun Timbangan Digital Load Cell Berkapasitas 20 kg Berbasis Modul HX711 2024-08-21T23:18:08+08:00Sri<table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="346"> <p><em>Digital scales are electrical devices that are used to weigh or determine weight. There are various sizes of scales made from various materials. In this research, digital scales are made using load cell data, which will be processed by the Arduino Nano via a driver that has a data size of 24 bits and the HX711 Module, which functions to convert the potential quantity on the load cell into digital data that the Arduino Nano can read so that it appears on the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen. The Arduino Nano in this research is tasked with comparing data from the load cell with the set-point values that have been entered. If the weight read on the load cell is the same as the set-point value, the Arduino Nano processes or sends instructions to the circuit, which reads the weight value of the object that has been weighed so that it appears on the LCD screen. The aim of this research is to determine the accuracy of digital scales using load cells whose data is processed by Arduino Nano. The measurements were carried out 12 times, and the measurement results obtained an accuracy presentation of 99.039% and an error presentation of 0.961%.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2024-08-22T00:00:00+08:00Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Sri Hartanto, Aryaniko Saputra Dampak Perubahan Arus Amplifier Terhadap Pengoperasian Motor Vibrator Pada Slipform Concrete Paver 2024-08-21T22:56:15+08:00Tri Ongko Anugrah<table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="346"> <p><em>Slipform Concrete Paver (concrete printing machine) is one of the equipment in the world of construction and infrastructure, especially in the Rigid Pavement system which aims to cast/print roads in the form of concrete. The use of slipform concrete pavers really supports continuous concrete printing accompanied by guarantees of quality, flatness, slope and very accurate printing points, considering the important role of slipform concrete pavers in casting/printing concrete by checking the amplifier, solenoid valve, generator , and the vibrator motor should get more attention in its maintenance. This study aims to determine the workings of a slipform concrete paver machine that uses a proportional amplifier to the solenoid valve as a proportional valve driver that supplies hydraulic oil to a hydraulic motor to rotate a 3- phase generator that generates electrical energy for a vibrator motor. From the results of the study it was found that the output current from the proportional amplifier greatly affects the output voltage and frequency of the 3-phase generator for the hydraulic motor, then the resistance value of the solenoid valve also determines the hydraulic oil supply that rotates the hydraulic motor as a 3-phase generator player. So the optimal voltage value generated on the 3-phase generator is in the 80 Volt and 110 Volt range, while the optimal frequency value for the 3-phase generator for the vibrator motor is in the 180 Hz and 200 Hz range. the casting material becomes cracked or not good due to trapped air and creates cavities in the casting material</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2024-08-22T00:00:00+08:00Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tri Ongko Priyono, Rikko Anugrah Wijaya Bangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Picohydro Untuk Sistem Penerangan Jalan Umum 50Watt Berbasis Bluetooth HC-052024-08-21T23:36:22+08:00Lukman Prasetyo<table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="347"> <p><em>The electricity needs is increased in line with economic growth, population growth and development growth. The energy of the water flowing in the tank can be utilized as a source of electrical energy by converting the micro-hydro electricity production system into public street lighting. It is on this basis that the authors raise the title design and build of a 50 Watt public street lighting control system with a Bluetooth Hc05-based Picohydro Power Plant (PHP). Data collection for the writing of this final report used observation and experiment (pilot study) methods. Measurement of data in the form of writing this final report is carried out to find out the results of the data so that it can be used for measurement. Calculation formula is used for measuring water discharge, measuring PHP power, and measuring water velocity. The fastest water flow velocity produced was 15.68 lpm at a height of 250 cm, for a height of 85 cm we obtained 11.18 lpm. The highest power produced by the micro hydro generator is 0.37 Watt with a height of 250 cm, at 85 cm of height can get 0.14 Watt. The power generated by the inverter is 64.26 Watt with a load of 50 Watt public street lighting, for testing the inverter without load, a power of 23 Watt is obtained and the farthest distance to be able to connect from the Bluetooth HC05 is 20 meters.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2024-08-22T00:00:00+08:00Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Lukman Aditya, Rizky Prasetyo adi Tingkat Pencahayaan Ruang Kelas Gedung Fakultas Teknik Universitas Krisnadwipayana Menggunakan Dialux2024-08-21T23:46:58+08:00Bayu Dwi<table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="346"> <p><em>Lighting in a building, especially in the lecture building, is very necessary for lighting with good quality. This study aims to determine the quality of lighting in the lecture room of Building G, Faculty of Engineering, Krisnadwipayana University using the dialux application to simulate it. The relationship between space and light, space will always surround human existence, in space, visual form, quality of light, dimensions and scale are determined by the boundaries that have been determined by the elements of form. This study performs calculations using the lamp equation, measurements using a luxmeter and visualization using Dialux evo 9.2. The results of the calculation with the equation of the lamps installed are the lighting quality of class room 203 which is only 57.52 lm, class room 204 is 68.81 lm and study program office space which is only around 68.81 lm. With the results of measurements of room 203 with an average of 45.43 lux for local measurements and general lighting of 54.25 lux, for room 204 local measurements were at 48.93 lux and general lighting measurements were 63.37 lux, for the room of the Head of Study Program the local measurements were 54.25 for general exposure measurements. In the dialux analysis, the lighting levels for Room 203, Room 204, and Room for Head of Study Programs are 39.9 lux, 45.1 lux, 41.9, respectively. From all the data obtained from the analysis of the three sample rooms that represent all the rooms have not reached the Indonesian national standard. To be able to achieve lighting results in accordance with the standard, it is necessary to increase the number of lamps or replace lamps with higher luminance value</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2024-08-22T00:00:00+08:00Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Bayu Kusumo, Wisnu Dwi Antoro Bangun Sistem Kontrol Kecepatan Motor Fan AC 3 Phasa Dengan Panel Kontrol Variable Speed Drive pada sistem HVAC 2024-08-21T23:55:26+08:00Nurhabibah<table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="346"> <p><em>Regarding the importance of using fan motors in various industrial applications, such as ventilation systems and air conditioning systems. 3 Phase AC Fan Motor is one of the most frequently used components in HVAC systems because it has high reliability and efficiency in the use of electric power. However, in operation, a 3-phase AC fan motor requires speed control according to system requirements. Therefore, an appropriate and effective fan motor speed control system is needed. Variable Speed Drive VSD is an effective solution to control the speed of a 3-phase AC fan motor. Variable Speed Drive VSD is able to control the speed of the motor by adjusting the frequency given to the motor. In this research, a Variable Speed Drive VSD control panel will be designed and built to control the speed of a 3-phase AC fan motor. The test results were carried out after using the VSD control panel by setting the potentiometer for 6 conditions, namely when the frequency was set at 50 Hz, 45 Hz, 40 Hz, 35 Hz, 30 Hz, 25 Hz, the resulting rotation was 1449.5 RPM, 1347 RPM, 1206 RPM, 1059.2 RPM, 911.8 RPM, 764.4 RPM and the sound generated is 79.7 dB, 76.0 dB, 72.2 dB, 71.0 dB, 69.9 dB, 67.7 dB. By using the VSD control panel, the rotation of the 3-phase motor can be adjusted and adjusted according to the needs of the system, so that later it will have an impact on reducing sound levels and increasing user comfort.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2024-08-22T00:00:00+08:00Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Nurhabibah Naibaho, Muslikun Otomatisasi Kendali Pengisian Penampungan Air Berbasis Arduino Uno dan Sensor Ultrasonik2024-08-22T09:31:36+08:00Ananda Yoga Prasetyaanandayogaprasetya5@gmail.comYuki Novaliandraynovaliandra@gmail.comYandhika Surya Akbar<p><em>A clean water supply system is one of the basic human needs that must be met in daily life. The availability of sufficient and quality-maintained water is essential for various purposes, including consumption, sanitation, and other domestic activities. One way to ensure water availability is by using a water tank as a storage medium. However, manually managing water tanks often encounters various issues, such as overfill (water overflowing) or water shortages due to human negligence in monitoring the water level in the tank. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of water tank management, an automatic system is required that can regulate the filling of the tank independently without human intervention. This system uses an ultrasonic sensor and an Arduino Uno to detect the water volume in the tank. When the water volume reaches high or low levels, the system will automatically control the filling of the tank. Testing results show that the device functions well as intended</em></p>2024-08-22T00:00:00+08:00Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Ananda Yoga Prasetya, Yuki Novaliandra, Yandhika Surya Akbar Gumilang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Irigasi Pintar Berbasis Internet of Things2024-08-22T09:41:25+08:00Slamet Purwo<p><em>Indonesia is an agricultural country where the majority of the population works as farmers, and Indonesia also has very fertile land to be managed as agricultural land. Where in farming, irrigation or irrigation is very important because irrigation in agricultural fields is a determinant of the success of agricultural products, in this case there are still many Indonesian farmers who have difficulty managing their agricultural irrigation efficiently, where they still have to do irrigation manually on their agricultural fields. So the authors want to provide a solution in the form of smart irrigation based on the internet of things that uses WEMOS D1 as the main device to control input and output to make irrigation automatically when agricultural land is dry by pumping water from rivers or reservoirs around agricultural areas, then connecting to Blynk as a user interface for monitoring agricultural soil moisture, but in this study the authors only made a design in the form of a prototype</em></p>2024-08-22T00:00:00+08:00Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Slamet Purwo Santosa, Hendrik Pratama Sistem Kendali Pemilah Benda Berbasis PLC Mitsubishi LS Glofa G7M-DR30A2024-08-22T09:50:58+08:00Abdul Kodir Al Doni<p><em>In its working system, the assembling machine has supporting electrical components that function as parameters: Servo motors function to push or rotate objects with high-precision control in terms of angular position, acceleration and speed, inductive proximity sensors function as parameter determinants for metal or non-metal items, PLC as a parameter process unit as well as actuator signals based on the parameters received. Based on the test data conducted on this tool and system, the following conclusions can be drawn: The measurement results of the selenoid valve using a wind regulator cannot exceed 20 bar, because the air cylinder will push very strongly if it exceeds 20 bar. The SG90 servo motor voltage obtained is different from the power supply voltage so that the error value is obtained with an average of 14.87%. The selenoid valve voltage without load is 0.4 V, then the (%) error is 16.9% and the selenoid valve voltage with load is 0.6 V then the (%) error is 25.6%. Servo motor voltage without load is 0.3 V, then error is 6.67% and servo motor voltage with load is 0.9 V, then error is 23.07%.</em></p>2024-08-22T00:00:00+08:00Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Abdul Kodir Al Bahar, Muhammad Doni Aryo Bangun Alat Pendeteksi Kandungan Alkohol Pada Bahan Pangan Menggunakan Sensor MQ32024-08-22T09:58:15+08:00Ujang Permana<table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="347"> <p><em>Starting from public concerns about access to liquor or alcohol that has been very easy to find its existence which is feared will cause negative effects in the community itself. With the rapid development of the world of electronics, it is able to create various developing components, based on these problems, research with the title design of alcohol detection devices in foodstuffs using MQ3 sensors is expected to overcome problems related to food and beverage products that are detected or alcoholic using MQ3 sensor components, microcontroller, Arduino Uno, LED, LCD, and Buzzer can be made a simple tool to detect alcohol content. The MQ3 sensor has a resistance value whose value can change when it detects methane gas and alcohol in the air. The sensitive material used is SnO2 where the conductivity will be low in clean air according to the results of research that has been done. The test uses cassava, sticky rice, wine, apple cider or vinegar, rice wine as the object of research. The tool that has been made has an error value of 8.05% and for its accuracy of 91.95%. At a certain distance, the MQ3 sensor cannot detect or read alcohol levels.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2024-08-22T00:00:00+08:00Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Ujang Wiharja, Danu Permana Aji Bangun Sistem Kontrol Alat Pakan Kucing Otomatis Dengan Arduino Mega 2560 Dan Motor Servo2024-08-22T10:05:51+08:00Teten Dian<table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="347"> <p><em>Cats is one of the most popular animals in the world that have various breeds. One of the most popular types is Persian and Angora. It requires discipline and persistence both in maintaining cleanliness and also in providing food in caring cats. Constraints in feeding cats are due to the routine activities of the owner outside the home, so providing cat food every day cannot be controlled properly and can make cats more susceptible to disease. This requires an automatic feeding device that can be used to assist cat owners in providing feed on a scheduled basis. This study uses a microcontroller with Arduino Uno as a control system to control input and output. RTC as a scheduled determinant will give commands to the Arduino Uno to drive the mini servo. Mini servo as the main container activator opens the main container which will later fall into the weighing container. The load cell sensor can weigh the feed which will be poured through the mini servo. The percentage that was tried was up to 99%. It works on the condition that the main container is filled with more feed. However, if the feed is filled with ¾, the feed that comes out will be more precise</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2024-08-22T00:00:00+08:00Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Teten Dian Hakim, Manson Hutagaol