KALPIKA https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/kalpika <p>Kumpulan Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Teknik Mesin Universitas Krisnadwipayana<br />terbit setahun 2 kali</p> <p><strong>Ruang Lingkup</strong><br />Bidang Konstruksi &amp; Perancangan serta Konversi Energi &amp; Perpindahan Panas</p> Universitas Krisnadwipayana id-ID KALPIKA 2962-2980 ANALISIS PERANCANGAN SUPPORT PADA PIPELINE SUATU PROJECT X DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PROGRAM CAESAR II https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/kalpika/article/view/43 <p>The design of a good and safe piping system is needed to ensure the continuity of the production process and<br>ensure safety. To overcome the magnitude of the stress that occurs due to loading, analysis is needed. In this<br>final project, the stress of the High Pressure Vent Pipeline will be analyzed with the CAESAR II approach<br>and with the Allowable Stress limit of ASME B31.3. In this final project, a discussion of the piping path from<br>the Pig Launcher outlet to the Pig Receiver inlet is carried out with line number ”-PG-KT-A02A-016, 8”-<br>PG-KT-A02A-027, 2”-02-BV-024 dan 2”-02-GLB-004. The design starts from collecting data, analyzing the<br>pipe thickness (pipe schedule) from the type of material used in the initial design which refers to the ASME<br>B31.3 Process Piping standard. In the redesign, the support distance is below the maximum span limit,<br>which is less than 8m so that it does not provide deflection and excessive stress on the piping system.</p> Dedy Krisbianto Agung Nugroho Hak Cipta (c) 2023 KALPIKA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-02-16 2023-02-16 19 2 1 10 10.61488/kalpika.v19i2.43 ANALISA DAN RANCANG BANGUN TEMPAT TIDUR BAYI ( BABY COT ) https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/kalpika/article/view/46 <p>The success of the national health insurance program (JKN) requires certainty of the availability of drug<br>supplies and medical devices from local industries. The limitation of the local medical device industry is an<br>obstacle to the success of the program, and then released national program to accelerate the development of<br>the independence of the national medical device industry. This research is intended to find an alternative<br>way to accelerate the development of the medical device industry by developing upstream technology,<br>namely product design and development. With this technology, an effective way of developing medical device<br>products for small industries will be obtained, the product reaches the market immediately, and meets<br>regulatory requirements. The product used in this case is a baby cot. The product development model used is<br>to follow the regulatory requirements for good medical devices manufacturing practices (CPAKB), SNI ISO<br>13485 and a systematic approach to design a product that is safe, and effective as intended use. Information<br>on product requirements and test methods is taken from EN 1130 Part 1 and Part 2. Using a systematic<br>approach the requirements and functions for the product can be analyzed. Furthermore, the embodiment<br>design and detailed design are developed. The correctness of the design is proven by making functional<br>prototypes and verified by the stipulated design requirements. From this research, it was found a way to<br>develop medical device products for baby box products that are safe, and effective as intended use meet<br>regulatory requirements.</p> Nurkim Hak Cipta (c) 2023 KALPIKA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-02-16 2023-02-16 19 2 11 20 10.61488/kalpika.v19i2.46 ANALISIS KUALITAS BATANG PISTON ORIGINAL DAN NON ORIGINAL PADA KENDARAAN RODA DUA 4 LANGKAH KAPASITAS 113 CC https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/kalpika/article/view/44 <p>Quality Analysis of Original and Non-Original Piston Rods on Two-Wheel Vehicles 4 Stroke Capacity 113<br>cc, piston rods are important spare parts on motorcycles, because their function is to transmit the power<br>generated in the combustion process from the piston to the crankshaft on the vehicle. If there is damage to<br>the piston rod which can cause the piston rod to be bent or even broken, so that it has an impact on the<br>safety factor when driving a motor vehicle. The purpose of this study was to determine the mechanical<br>characteristics of the piston rod material (connecting rod) of original and non-original products, and to<br>compare the quality of the piston rods of original and non-original products from two different<br>manufacturers. The method used in this study was the ASTM E 3 microstructure test, the SNI 19-0409-1989<br>hardness test, and the ASTM A 751 chemical composition. Metallographic testing revealed that the<br>microstructure of the original motorcycle piston rod was tempered martensite with a fine grain of 60-80 cm.<br>70%, while the microstructure of the non-original motorcycle piston rod is tempered martensite with 40%<br>coarse grain. Medium hardness test The hardness value of the original piston rod material is 428 HV, which<br>is higher than the non-original motorcycle piston rod material hardness value of 396 HV. As well as testing<br>the chemical composition that the value of the element Al contained in the original motorcycle piston rod<br>material is 0.0314% &gt; 0.0184% non-original motorcycle piston rod material in the chemical composition<br>testing process.</p> Kis Yoga Utomo Ahmad Zayadi Masyhudi Deni A Hak Cipta (c) 2023 KALPIKA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-02-16 2023-02-16 19 2 21 31 10.61488/kalpika.v19i2.44 ANALISIS PENGARUH FEEDING PADA PROSES GRINDING JOURNAL TERHADAP NILAI KUALITAS CAMSHAFT TYPE 2TNV70 PASCA IQT https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/kalpika/article/view/47 <p>Research in the field of machining in testing the level of roughness needs to be done to get good results in the<br>machining process. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in feeding on the<br>surface grinding process on the surface roughness and hardness of S45C carbon steel that has gone through<br>processes including induction, quenching and tempering and to compare which feeding variation has the<br>lowest level of roughness. The research method used is an experimental method in the form of giving a<br>variety of feeding which is tested on 4 samples in the surface grinding process. The number of variations<br>given is 0.2mm/min, 0.4mm/min, 0.8mm/min, 1.2mm/min. The test results obtained are in the form of<br>roughness values and hardness values on specimens that have been previously tested. The results showed<br>that there was a change in the roughness value that occurred during the grinding process by applying a<br>0.2mm/min feeding variation resulting in an average value of 1.33683333µ, a feeding variation of<br>0.4mm/min producing an average value of 1.27068333µ, a feeding variation of 0.8mm/min producing an<br>average value of 1.27068333µ. the average value is 1.29633333µ, the variation of feeding 1.2mm/min<br>produces an average value of 1.39458333µ and there is no significant change in the surface hardness value<br>in the surface grinding process. The tools used in this study were the Mitutoyo SV2100 rougness tester to<br>determine the roughness value, and the Sonohard SH22 hardness tester to determine the hardness value. The<br>data that has been obtained are then analyzed using descriptive statistics where the data are presented in the<br>form of tables and graphs. after grinding. This shows that there is an effect of giving different variations of<br>feeding the surface grinding process to the surface roughness value.</p> Sudja Rizki Maulana Hak Cipta (c) 2023 KALPIKA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-02-16 2023-02-16 19 2 32 46 10.61488/kalpika.v19i2.47 ANALISIS KEGAGALAN GEOMETRI KOMPONEN BRACKET HINGE CAB PADA PROSES BORING DIMESIN CNC MILLING OKK VC51 https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/kalpika/article/view/45 <p>The Boring Process of Hinge Cab Bracket components is one of the machining processes at PT. MMI.<br>Boring work is the process of enlarging the hole to the desired size and usually pays less attention to<br>geometric deviations from the results of the boring process, even though it greatly affects the quality of the<br>machining results. In general, a spherical profile is said to be perfectly round if the distance of the points<br>contained in the geometric shape have the same distance from a point called the center point. The purpose of<br>the study was to determine the effect of spindle speed and feeding speed on the geometric size of the barcket<br>component. The method used in this research is an engineering study with experiments and data collection is<br>carried out through field observations and analysis of ongoing programs. The independent variable in this<br>study was 0.1 mm infeed depth, with spindle rotation parameters of 400 rpm, 500 rpm, 600 rpm, 700 rpm<br>and 800 rpm. The dependent variable is the geometric deviation of the Bracket Hinge Cab boring results.<br>The control variable is the insert type TNMG332-GN LC5010 which has a feed speed (fz) of 0.1 mm/rev and<br>a roughing size of 104 ±0.30, coolant damin water and ecocool 2700T. The measurement method uses a bore<br>gauge/cylinder gauge to determine the effect of variations in machining parameters on the geometry of the<br>boring results with a tolerance of ± 0.30 mm and takes 4 axes of measurement, namely X, Y, X', Y'. From the<br>research that has been done that the parameter with the smallest geometric deviation is obtained in the four<br>parts with a spindle rotation (n) 700 rpm, which is the expected result because the geometric deviation is<br>70μm, still within the tolerance limit of ± 0.30 mm and has a roughness level of 9.278 Ra. The greater the<br>value of the cutting speed (Vc), the smaller the geometric deviation that occurs. To get good results based on<br>the analysis and for results that are in accordance with the standard, the best Rpm is used at 700 rpm with<br>Feeding 140 mm/minute.</p> Kupainudin Denny Prumanto Rani Anggraeny Hak Cipta (c) 2023 KALPIKA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-02-16 2023-02-16 19 2 47 54 10.61488/kalpika.v19i2.45