Jurnal Sipil Krisna https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/sikris <p>Kumpulan Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Teknik Sipil Universitas Krisnadwipayana<br />Terbit Berkala setahun 2 kali<br /><br /></p> Fakultas Teknik Universitas Krisnadwipayana id-ID Jurnal Sipil Krisna 2460-4518 Kajian Kapasitas Ruas Jalan Lenteng Agung Raya Setelah Adanya Fly Over U-Turn Lenteng Agung https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/sikris/article/view/401 <p>Congestion on Jalan Lenteng Agung Raya, South Jakarta is a fairly frequent occurrence, such as in the morning when people start leaving for their respective activities and also in the afternoon when they return from their activities. Another cause of congestion is the existence of a U-Turn at railroad crossings that are parallel to the road, so that when the train is passing, the vehicle will automatically stop to queue and wait for the train to finish crossing and be stopped by the occurrence of high side obstacles along the road. Lenteng Agung Raya. That way, the government plans infrastructure development in the hope of reducing the congestion problem, namely the U- Turn flyover. The flyover is expected to reduce congestion. The construction of the Lenteng Agung U-Turn Flyover caused an increase in traffic volume. This condition is analyzed by calculating the volume and capacity of the road per lane, the free flow speed and the degree of saturation, as well as determining the category of road service level. Before the flyover, Jalan Lenteng Agung was traversed by vehicles with a daily traffic volume of 2263 smp/hour per lane, vehicle travel speed of 14.4 km/hour. Q/C Ratio 0.52, including service level category C, where the flow is stable, but the speed and movement of the vehicle controlled by the driver is limited in choosing the speed. After there is an overpass, the daily traffic volume is 2466 smp/hour per lane, the vehicle travel speed is 25.71 km/hour. Q/C Ratio 0.58 is in service level category C where the flow is stable, but the speed and motion of the vehicle controlled by the driver is limited in choosing the speed. The increase in traffic volume and the increase in the speed of vehicle travel that occurs is thought to be due to a change in the reversal crossing which originally passed the railroad tracks so that long queues of vehicles on Jalan Lenteng Agung have been replaced by flyovers.</p> Achmad Pahrul Rodji Sahat Martua Sihombing Desni Citra Mumpuni Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Achmad Pahrul Rodji https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 9 2 1 8 10.61488/sipilkrisna.v9i2.401 Perbandingan Biaya dan Waktu Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Pelat Lantai Metode Precast Half Slab, Full Slab dan Konvensional https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/sikris/article/view/416 <p>Construction development in Indonesia continues to progress from year to year. One of the most expensive construction jobs is concrete floor slab work. This forces contractors to choose methods that save more costs and time. Therefore, this research aims to compare 3 methods, namely precast half slab, full slab and conventional methods which are quantitatively carried out by collecting data on project drawings, RAB and project schedule, then analyzed to get the total cost, time and volume of floor slab work. in each method using the Microsoft Excel 2021 program so that calculation results are obtained in terms of costs that are more effective and efficient by applying the precast half slab method for multi-storey building work scales. Where the precast half slab method requires a total cost of Rp. 4,159,526,137, the full slab method requires a total cost of Rp. 4,885,501,898 while the conventional method requires a total cost of Rp. 4,605,483,760. In terms of time, the full slab method is more effective with a total of 105 days of work, while half slab requires 150 days and conventional requires 210 days</p> Gita Puspa Artiani Indriasari Dwi Lestari Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Gita Puspa Artiani, Indriasari, Dwi Lestari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 9 2 9 17 10.61488/sipilkrisna.v9i2.416 ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN BIAYA DAN WAKTU PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR PELAT LANTAI DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN BETON BERTULANG https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/sikris/article/view/417 <p>Land clearing with the aim of opening new residential areas is one way to reduce population density in Jakarta. One of them is the Development Area in North Jakarta as a place to build a multi-storey building with a reinforced concrete structure, one of the jobs that has an influence on cost and time is the floor slab with the right method will make construction more efficient. The half slab precast method is able to make the duration of work shorter than conventional methods and prevent project delays. This case study compares the cost and time of the two methods on the 3rd floor with the aim of determining which method is more efficient. It was found that the half slab precast method is more efficient because there is a cost difference of Rp3,711,284,049.00 and a time difference of 19.93 days</p> Anandika Arga Perdana Perdana Abdul Rokhman Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Anandika Arga Perdana Perdana, Abdul Rokhman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 9 2 18 25 10.61488/sipilkrisna.v9i2.417 Analisis Kinerja Struktur Gedung Rusun TNI AU Halim Perdanakusuma Dengan Menggunakan Metode Pushover Analysis https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/sikris/article/view/418 <p>At this time, planning for earthquake-resistant multi-storey buildings in Indonesia is important because Indonesia is in a very active tectonic zone, a position caused by the meeting of the 3 large plates and 9 small plates of the world &amp; forming complex plates meeting paths, this makes Indonesia a countries vulnerable to earthquakes. One method of analytical approach for the performance of earthquake-resistant reinforced concrete structures is push load analysis which is used to reveal the performance of building structures during an earthquake by presenting them using performance levels according to regulations, so this planning is usually called performance-based earthquake resistant planning. The performance level will indicate the collapse behavior of the building during an earthquake according to existing conditions. Pushover analysis &amp; performance evaluation on vertical and horizontal elements is assisted by ETABS software. The results of the pushover analysis show that the performance point of the rusun TNI AU Halim Perdanakusuma building for loading in the X-direction is 440.471 mm with a shear force of 38363.2261 kN, while for the Y-direction the performance point obtained is 457.276 mm with a shear force of 55150.5802 kN. From the performance point, the structural drift resulting from loading in the X-direction and Y-direction is 0.824% &amp; 0.855%, so the structure's performance level is based on the drift limits required by FEMA 356 and ATC-40 including the direct occupancy level. Based on the capacity curve, the maximum base shear force obtained is 46734.5513 kN &amp; the resulting displacement in the X- direction is 710.310 mm &amp; while in the Y-direction, the maximum base shear force obtained is 76055.6401 kN &amp; the resulting displacement is 904.504 mm.</p> Yonas Prima Lydia Darmiyanti Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Yonas Prima, Lydia Darmiyanti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 9 2 26 35 10.61488/sipilkrisna.v9i2.418 ANALISIS DAYA DUKUNG PONDASI SPUN PILE BERDASARKAN HASIL SPT DAN HASIL KALENDERING PADA PEMBANGUNAN JALAN TOL KATARAJA ZONE 1 https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/sikris/article/view/419 <p>The construction of the Kataraja toll road is one of the government programs that are currently being implemented to balance the movement of people by driving. The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the results of the calculation of the bearing capacity and settlement of the foundation. The foundation is the lowest part of the building structure which has the role of <br>transferring the building load to the underlying soil or rock. The depth of the hard soil that becomes the foundation reaches 30 meters, so use a spun pile foundation. Analysis of pile bearing capacity and settlement needs to be considered to obtain an appropriate foundation plan and meet the requirements. There are several calculation methods in analyzing the bearing capacity and settlement of the foundation, but it is necessary to consider which method is relevant. The method used in the analysis of the bearing capacity of the pile foundation based on the SPT results is Mayerhof, the results obtained are (Qu) 633.92 kN and the calendering results using the Hilley method are (R) 1654.415 kN. Calculation of the efficiency of the pile group using the Coverese-Labbare Formula method, the result is (Eg) 0.574. Analysis of calculating the settlement of a single pile manually using the Vesic method obtained a result of (S) 2.62 cm with a reduction in permits of (Sir) 6 cm so that the single pile settlement requirements are met (SAFE). Analysis of group pile settlement manually with the Vesic method obtained results of (Sg) 5.34 cm and with the Plaxis 3D Application it was 6.71 cm with a decrease in permits referring to (BSN SNI 8460, 2017) of &lt;15 cm, so the requirements on group pile settlement are met (SAFE).</p> Bermando Mangatur Siagian Irvan Tri Nugroho Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Bermando Mangatur Siagian, Irvan Tri Nugroho https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 9 2 36 49 10.61488/sipilkrisna.v9i2.419 ANALISIS BAJA TIE ROD PADA PIER HEAD FALSEWORK DENGAN PENGGUNAAN BERULANG https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/sikris/article/view/420 <p>Reinforcing steel is a very important material in construction, it cannot be avoided considering that reinforcing steel is one of the determining factors in the strength or failure of reinforced concrete construction [1]. The use of steel in construction is not only used as a reinforcing concrete in the structure but also as a falsework. So there is a possibility in the field that tie rod steel will be used repeatedly as falsework to save construction costs. This study aims to determine changes in steel behavior with repeated loading. The test is carried out by performing a tie rod steel tensile test according to SNI 07-0371-1998 repeatedly with a loading equal to the yield strength of steel. The results of the tensile test showed a difference in the value of stress and strain between the first and second tensile tests. Changes also occur in the ultimate tensile strength. Repeated use of steel tie rods as <br>flasework can be carried out by loading no more than the yield strength.</p> Pratiwi Setyaning Putri Hastanto SM Dicki Dian Purnama Tommy Iduwin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Pratiwi Setyaning Putri, Hastanto SM, Dicki Dian Purnama, Tommy Iduwin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 9 2 50 54 10.61488/sipilkrisna.v9i2.420 Analisis Hambatan Samping Di Jalan Alternatif Inspeksi Banjir Kanal Timur Terhadap Kemacetan Jalan Basuki Rahmat https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/sikris/article/view/421 <p>In the land transportation system, the availability of proper and adequate infrastructure greatly affects the smoothness of traffic. The existence of small businesses along the road is a side obstacle factor that reduces road performance. This happened along the Jalan Alternatif Inspeksi Banjir Kanal Timur, there were many traders on the roadside, pedestrians, vehicles going in and out, slowing down vehicles, and parking vehicles. Vehicles that should be able to pass the Jalan Alternatif Inspeksi Banjir Kanal Timur, prefer to go through Jalan Basuki Rahmat due to congestion. This caused traffic on Jalan Basuki Rahmat to jam due to the impact of congestion on the Jalan Alternatif Inspeksi Banjir Kanal Timur. The research was conducted for 4 (four) days, namely Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday (July 13-19, 2020). The research time was carried out every morning (6.30 AM to 8.30 AM), noon (11.00 AM to 1.00 PM), afternoon (5.00 PM to 7.00 PM), and evening (7 PM to 10.00 PM) with traffic volume data, vehicle speed, and side obstacles every 15 minutes for the Jalan Basuki Rahmat (direction to Jakarta) and the Jalan Alternatif Inspeksi Banjir Kanal Timur (two-way). In addition, data on the width and length of the roads under review are also taken. Further analysis was conducted with reference to the MKJI 1997. From the research results, the capacity of Jalan Basuki Rahmat (direction to Jakarta) without side obstacles is 718 pcu/hour and with side obstacles 639 pcu/hour. Meanwhile, the capacity of the Jalan Alternatif Inspeksi Banjir Kanal Timur (two-way) without side obstacles is 1452 pcu/hour and with side obstacles 1148 pcu/hour. The peak of the side obstacles on the Jalan Alternatif Inspeksi Banjir Kanal Timur occurs from the afternoon until the evening (the highest saturation degree value is 1.97 = F), at the same time there is also traffic density on Jalan Basuki Rahmat.</p> Sukadi Achmad Pahrul Rodji Rifky Arrahman Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Sukadi, Achmad Pahrul Rodji, Rifky Arrahman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 9 2 55 64 10.61488/sipilkrisna.v9i2.421 Analisis Penggunaan Limbah Gypsum Sebagai Filler Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/sikris/article/view/422 <p>Infrastructure development spurred innovation in the field of structural engineering, particularly in the field of construction materials technology. The development of concrete technology in trials of adding mixed ingredients continues to be carried out to obtain the desired strength and quality of concrete. The characteristics of concrete are greatly influenced by the ingredients contained in the mixture and how it is processed. The purpose of this study was to analyze the normal compressive strength of concrete and the compressive strength of concrete using gypsum waste as a filler with variations of 10% and 20% with curing ages observed at 28 days. The method used in this study is an experimental method or experiments in the Concrete Laboratory. Based on the results of the study, the normal compressive strength values of fc'18 (MPa) at ages 28 days were 18.08 MPa. In mixed variations of concrete with gypsum waste as a 10% filler, the compressive strength values at the ages of 28 days were 19.18 MPa. In mixed variations of concrete with 20% gypsum waste as filler, the compressive strength values at 28 days of age were 19.71 MPa. From the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the use of gypsum waste from the rest of the construction has an effect on increasing the compressive strength of concrete.</p> Sahat Martua Sihombing Indriasari Riyan Prasetyo Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Sahat Martua Sihombing, Indriasari, Riyan Prasetyo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 9 2 65 72 10.61488/sipilkrisna.v9i2.422 PERBANDINGAN MODEL KINERJA STRUKTUR TAHAN GEMPA DENGAN WILAYAH BERBEDA MENGGUNAKAN METODE RESPON SPEKTRUM https://jurnalteknik.unkris.ac.id/index.php/sikris/article/view/423 <p>Indonesia is an earthquake-prone area, many earthquakes that occur in Indonesia cause damage to building structures in Indonesia. The planning rules for building a building are that the building must be able to withstand existing earthquake loads. Because basically the principle of earthquake-resistant buildings is that damage to the building may occur, but not to structural elements This research takes a case study of a 19-storey apartment building. This building has a height of 62.7 meters with a total of 19 floors. According to SNI 1726: 2019 regulations, the function of this building is shown as a residential facility with risk category II. The results of the analysis are in the form of building structure performance, comparison between Jayapura and Jakarta soil data, level deviation and column and brace stress control</p> Gali Pribadi Pribadi Faizal Addin Achmad Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Gali Pribadi Pribadi, Faizal Addin Achmad https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 9 2 73 78 10.61488/sipilkrisna.v9i2.423